
Ode to my black men.

You know what I love? A black man. Not just ANY black man. A chocolate black man. The ones that are dark as night. Not just any chocolate black man. A strong black man. By strong I mean a black man that provides for himself & his lady. Not just a strong black man. A sensitive black man. By sensitive I mean an empathetic, unconditional, caring black man. But not just a sensitive black man. A smart black man. I'm not talking about street smarts. No. I mean intellectual smarts. Book smarts. Learns from his experiences & mistakes. But he can't just be a smart black man. He has to be a hardworking black man. Good with his hands. Handy and rough when need be. But has a soft touch when touches me. But he can't just be a hard working black man. He has to be sexy. He prides his appearance & puts me in those deep sleeps in the bedroom. But of course he just can't be sexy. My black man has to smooth. Quick on his feet & professional with his lingo. He has to have that conversation that whoas me & leaves me speechless as well as others around me. He can't only be smooth. No. He has to be thuggish. Pause. When I say thuggish I hope you do not think I am pertaining to drug dealing & gang banging. MY black man is nontolerant to, excuse my French, bullshit. He knows when to remain a gentleman but will put an individual in his place when need be. Protecting his family, his lady, & his beliefs. That is irrestible to me. But most of all my black man has to posess the traits of honesty & loyalty. A man isn't a man without be true to hisself & the ones he love. But shoutout to my White men, Mexican, and Asians.. I'm pretty sure you all do your thing. But in the end, my heart will be in the hands of a TRUE black man. =)


Thoughts that are turned into Actions,

Throughout the day the same question comes across my mind, Why? I am the type of person that seeks to understand when I do not understand. However I still have so many unanswered questions. A few in particular. Why do people do the things that they do? Why do people say the things that they say. Actions and words are things that cannot be taken back once did or spoken. They leave impressions in our memories forever. So again why? Every person is unique. Every person was raised differently. Every person has different explanations on how they reacted towards a specific situation. But i still do not understand! Why must people feel they need to be intimidating to those that are beneath then? Why do people that have insecurities feel the need to belittle others so they can feel better. Why do people take blantant advantage of the people who only try to help and further them. Why are people so negative and depressive. Why are people selfish. Why do people push their responsibilities upon others for their own luxuries. Why do people lie. My unanswered questions can go on and on. But yet and still, I probably will never receive a definite answer to these questions. But I always remember to do unto others as youy would want done unto you. I just never lived by it. I treat everyone with kindness, even those tht do not.