
2 PEOPLE in History at Red Lobster.

If you could have dinner with any 2 persons whether from past or present, who would it be and why?

My co-worker Jamie asked me this question yesterday and I really put some thought into it. It was an off spasm answer; however, I really have reason behind it. I would honestly have lunch with Adolph Hitler and Malcolm X. No, I am NOT nuts. Just listen to my reasoning:

Adolph Hitler – he targeted Jews in a genocide known as the Holocaust. People view him as Satan himself, which I agree. My personal opinion of him is that he was the scum bag of the earth. He was evil. And that he is now feeling the wrath of his work in hell. BUT I want to know why. Why? What made you do that to 17 million innocent civilians? What made you torture them the way you did? Why did you hate them? I REALLY want to know. What inspired you to build concentration camps and gas chambers just to create death? Plus I want to conversate with him about what is going on nowadays and get his view of what’s going on in the earth. Do you think he would suggest genocide of another race?

Malcolm X aka Malcolm Little – African American Muslim minister, public speaker, and human rights activist. He fought hard for equal rights. He wanted to see a brighter future for blacks and any discriminated races alike. I have read his book and can figure out why he, or why would anyone want to be treated equal. We are all Gods children and were created equal.. So we shall be equal. I just want to talk to him and show him what a difference he made. WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT. That would bring a smile to anyone’s face that experienced slavery or discrimination. I want to talk to him about the way things are today as well. I want to know his insight. What is wrong with these people? What does he think the outcome will be? PLUS. I want him and Hitler to talk. I want to know how he feels about what Hitler did.

Super random I know. Hitler would probably run as fast as he could if he saw 2 “niggers” awaiting his presence. LOL. If only.

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